
We drive research to dramatically improve coffee productivity, coffee quality, climate resilience, and farmer livelihoods.

Breeding & Nurseries

10–30 years to impact in farmer fields

Today’s coffee varieties are no match for the threats of the 21st century, but breeding innovation severely lags other crops. We support our partners to apply modern breeding approaches to create better varieties that meet farmer and consumer demand.

Why Breeding


Why breeding?

Variety improvement is essential for the future of coffee

Global Breeding Network


Innova Global Arabica Breeding Network?

Transforming coffee agriculture for climate-resilience through collaborative global breeding

National Program Support


National program Support

Capacity building and networking for the global coffee breeding community

Breeding & Nurseries

10–30 years to impact in farmer fields

Today’s coffee varieties are no match for the threats of the 21st century, but breeding innovation severely lags other crops. We support our partners to apply modern breeding approaches to create better varieties that meet farmer and consumer demand.

Why Breeding


Why breeding?

Variety improvement is essential for the future of coffee

Global Breeding Network


Innova Global Arabica Breeding Network?

Transforming coffee agriculture for climate-resilience through collaborative global breeding

National Program Support


National program Support

Capacity building and networking for the global coffee breeding community

Breeding & Nurseries

10–30 years to impact in farmer fields

Today’s coffee varieties are no match for the threats of the 21st century, but breeding innovation severely lags other crops. We support our partners to apply modern breeding approaches to create better varieties that meet farmer and consumer demand.

Why Breeding


Why breeding?

Variety improvement is essential for the future of coffee

Global Breeding Network


Innova Global Arabica Breeding Network?

Transforming coffee agriculture for climate-resilience through collaborative global breeding

National Program Support


National program Support

Capacity building and networking for the global coffee breeding community